1. When did you start playing Dungeons and Dragons? What Version?
Early 90’s, got into it through the 2nd edition board game, then it developed into 3rd edition RPG.
2. What was your first character?
Human Wizard in both the board game and the RPG.
3. Favorite DnD Moment?
In the tower at castle Ravenloft, mummies behind us, zombies ahead of us, totally outmatched to take on two sets of monsters due to poor decisions by the group beforehand. Creative thinking takes over….as a wizard I smash all my lantern oil all over a very expensive plush luxurious couch in the hallway. Have the fighter throw the couch at the group of mummies at our flank to which I cast scorching ray on the couch. It burst into flames, slammed into the group of mummies and set them all aflame…..the death of the mummies allowed the rest of the group to take the zombies and continue on to get more levels and ultimately to the end.
4. Do you play any other RPGs?
I had played Rifts (loved it) and Werewolf (was ok).
5. Do you prefer being a DM/GM or a PC?
Depends on my mood, I enjoy both.
6. Do you currently run a campaign? If so how often and what's it about?
7. What does a good DM/GM have to do to be considered a good DM?
Foster the creativity of the players to use everything at their disposal. Some problems cannot be solved by might or magic alone.
8. Do you have any advice or encouragement for our followers who may have not ever tried a pencil and paper game, and might want to give it a go?
Step out of your comfort zone, take a break from the purely digital gaming experience and immerse yourself in fellowship and storytelling, and acting...the way entertainment was before technology.
9. Do you have any parting thoughts on the subject you would like to share?
Tabletop RPG has a learning curve to it, it is up to the players as much at the DM/GM to provide a great experience for all members, especially new members.
Thanks Nick for your insight into you experience as a DM and with your RPG experience. Currently I am working on a method to allow the community to nominate DM's to be interviewed for this article. Hopefully it will be available in the near future. If there are questions you'd like to ask a DM, please leave a comment and who knows it might get added to the next IWADM!