In theory a character with classes in Profession (Sailor) has spent time on a ship in some capacity, perhaps as a cabin boy/girl or perhaps as a general worker or captain. Nevertheless, the character has spent plenty of time aboard a ship. So what? What benefit can be gained by a character being on the sea for longer than another character? Is it worth spending skill points for flavor?
When thinking about what benefits would stem from a good roll in Profession (Sailor), I figured I would also address the concept of Profession (Pirate) as well. While not seen as a profession in normal convention, the Profession (Pirate) really just is the Profession (Sailor) skill with different means to an end. While a Sailor may be more prone to using diplomacy, a pirate would more likely stick to Bluff or Intimidate. For the case of the buffs though, there really won't be much different between the two if your character wishes to take Pirate over Sailor.
As always, the DC can be set on DM discretion but I would also suggest continuing with a +5 per difficulty class (i.e. Easy = DC; Medium = DC+5; Hard = DC+10). Depending on the roll, the following benefits could be given to someone who has ranks in the Profession (Sailor/Pirate) skill:
Skill Boost | Easy | Medium | Hard | Conditions |
Swim | +4 | +6 | +8 | General |
Balance | +2 | +4 | +6 | When at Sea |
Climb | +1 | +2 | +3 | When at Sea |
Survival | +2 | +3 | +4 | Catching Fish / Weather / Discerning North at Sea |
The above chart would be the bonuses gained by rolling the varying degrees of successes. The rationales behind each being:
- Swim
- In spending time on the open seas you will have figured that being able to swim is a life or death skill to have and as a result you are well-trained in swimming, or at least treading water.
- Balance
- The rocking of the ship over the waves is enough to knock over any "land lubber" but your time spent on the seas have given you a general advantage over being felled by the rocking of the ship.
- Climb
- You find yourself able to climb the rigging a little easier than the average person as you know where best to grab to get you up to the top the quickest.
- Survival
- Your time on the open seas have taught you how to catch food to survive, how to discern when a storm is coming, and how to use the stars to navigate.